Climate Justice

The Levees in the ninth Ward…. NOLA…. RIP 9th

Why Climate Justice and not Climate Change??? Because understanding, modeling, adapting, and all of the other aspects of climate change that we hear about do not consider justice. The current perspective does not consider the fact that people of color and the poor have suffered the negative impacts of Environmental Justice. It does not address the inequities of the present that will only get worse in the future if we don’t deal with them now. The current view of climate change does not prepare communities of color for the inevitable by increasing the numbers of interdisciplinary scientists from these communities that must be at the decision-making table. It does not do so because it does not address the inequity associated with race in the United State or for the matter in Africa and its Diaspora. People throughout the African Diaspora face the present ecological danger of extraction, local and state policing who crush the lives of black men and women while their communities facing extreme temperatures, precipitation, and other hazards such as hurricanes and flooding. There can be no equitable futures no matter what the CO2 and greenhouse gas levels are without JUSTICE.

Climate Justice

“If you think you are insignificant you better think again, Better wake up because you’re part of something way bigger” — BeyoncĂ©